Travelling by Car with “Fido & Fluffy”
A good habit has formed during this pandemic: people’s focus on health and exercise, not to mention the opportunity to go outside and bond with their pets. And with winter’s departure, pet owners are packing their bags and choosing to hit the road by car, rather than opting for mass transit modes. These socially distanced overnight trips and vacations include outdoor activities like walking and hiking in the great outdoors. -2021 says travelling with a four-legged friend shows no sign of slowing down.
So here are our pet travel tips for your adventures:
- While some dogs (and cats) wouldn’t mind a drive-thru cheeseburger, humans know they need to pack dog food. But if you run short while traveling and cannot find your brand, mix ½ and ½ of the new brand to help your pet adjust.
- H2O: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate Pick up a cute plastic hiking bowl or bottle from your favourite pet store to pack. There are many out there now with price points that are very pet parent friendly.
- Bring an extra leash. While adventuring, hiking and walking it is not uncommon to lose a leash, especially if a lakeside swim speaks to you.
- Pup or Kitty’s favourite toy or blanket. Comfy cozy!
- Update Fido’s and Fluffy’s vaccinations before you head out. Your vet can help with what your pet needs for travelling.
- First Aid Kit: Works for the ‘entire’ family.
- Take a photo of your four-legged family while you’re loading the car. A great memory and handy if you need a recent photo.
- Stay in touch: Have your cell phone number on your pets collar. Pet stores have great tags available, and your local hardware store would have a plastic one and a sharpie. -Just in case your pet needs you?
- Stay out of trouble: Pack lots of poop bags for any public area use. If your pup poops in the woods we say it is A-OK to use the European stick method! Better than leaving a full bag in the woods?
Our favourite pet tools and tricks on mobile:
- AllTrails: Best Dog Trails in Canada. (Website & App / App Store or Google Play)
- Puppr: Dog training App – Get ‘er done while your having fun! (App Store or Google Play)
- BarkCam: Too fun! – Want to get the perfect pic of your pup? BarkCam features 15 different sounds designed to get your dog’s attention so you can snap a great photo. (ITunes)
- Pet First Aid App: American Red Cross (App Store or Google Play)
- BarkHappy: Explore dog friendly places & events + more. (App Store or Google Play)
Hotels are now all knowing that many guests are pet parents, and they are crafting a tailored experience providing “creature comforts” that are unique and engaging. Many hotels not only extend the option of travelling with pets but also offer guests peace of mind knowing their pets will receive perks and pampering in an exceptional environment throughout their stay. Your travel advisor will know which hotels in your area of choice roll out the red carpet for their guests with pets. Just ask!
Written by Guest Author: Deanna Toth, Founder: Pet on Vacation providing hotel pet amenity supplies Canada
Blog post contribution for Hibiscus International Ltd./Anne Brobyn.